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Social media optimization Training in Hyderabad

Power your Brand with SMO to reach the audience…. Everyone will have an account in Social media Network, but the thing is only few know it to handle for generating prospective business from the social media. There are real audience out there in the social media; you need to engage them with your brand to acquire business from the social media.

4 Modules

with Certifications


After Completion



Version IT will help you learn valuable SMO techniques through SMO training. Our focus will be mainly on the major networks such as Face book, LinkedIn, twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. To be a successful SMO consultant, you need to have a skill set powered by smart approach.
To make your brand voice a powerful message to the social audience, one need to build a powerful strategy to engage with the audience pulse. The strategy is not all about designing images and creating powerful content, one need to know how it place it in front of the audience and engage them with their curiosity to promote it and make it viral.
Our emphasis will be on what to do and what not to do with specific networks when we are doing SMO for any business. Along with this, our learners will get a good knowledge of utilizing the paid to a good effect for promoting the business.
Join our SMO Training to become a successful SMO consultant….

Topics You will Learn

  • What is social media?
  • How can social media help my business?
  • Social Media Training: The Big Picture
  • Conversations, relationships, word of mouth and transparency
  • The key Social Media tools and networks
  • Establishing your online identity and message
  • The consolidated approach
  • How does Twitter work?
  • Setting up a Twitter account
  • Re-tweets, hash tags and lists
  • Managing and enhancing Twitter with apps
  • Why should you blog and what should you to blog about?
  • The main types of blog post
  • Research methods for writing quality, timely content
  • Engaging your audience with video
  • Making best use of specific Social Media platforms
  • An Introduction to YouTube
  • How to create a YouTube Channel.
  • Optimizing YouTube Channel.
  • How to gain more YouTube views & Subscribers.
  • How to work with your YouTube Audience
  • Annotations, Rich Cards & Associate Websites

Let Your Certificates Speak


All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

establishing a variety of social media accounts and upholding brand integrity. Create interesting text, photo, and video content for your social media profiles. React promptly to reviews and consumer inquiries. Keep an eye on and report on comments and internet reviews.

The process of using social media platforms and strategies to increase a website or brand's visibility, engagement, and traffic is known as social media optimization, or SMO. SMO can assist a company in achieving a number of objectives, including raising sales, creating leads, strengthening customer service, and increasing brand awareness.

SMO can be broadly divided into two categories: Sort 1: On-site SMO: You can incorporate certain social media elements, such as RSS feeds, into your website.
SMO is great for establishing a brand identity, growing a community of devoted customers, and raising awareness of new goods and services. Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics are just two examples of the built-in tools on most social media platforms that help businesses make the most of their online presence.

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