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GCP DevOps Training in

Google Cloud Platform, referred to simply as GCP, is a magnificent public cloud computing platform created by the Google organisation. GCP offers a wide range of hosted services for compute, storage, and application development that are powered by Google hardware. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides advanced cloud computing services that can be easily accessed by software developers, cloud administrators, and other IT professionals via the public network or a dedicated network connection.

11 Modules

with Certifications


After Completion



GCP provides services for a wide range of applications, including cloud storage, Big Data, networking, Internet of Things, machine learning, and cloud management, developer tools, and security. And right now, the number of job opportunities in GCP’s advanced cloud computing platform is raising.

So, start working toward making the most of the growing career opportunities in this platform by enrolling in our GCP Training In Hyderabad.

Version IT, the best GCP DevOps Training Institute in Hyderabad, evaluates a user’s ability to apply site system development principles to services, improve service performance, implement service surveillance techniques, build and deploy CI/CD pipelines, and manage service outages. Version IT is offering an excellent opportunity for interested students to enrol in our GCP DevOps training in Hyderabad. Engineers responsible for ensuring the efficiency of design activities while also balancing system performance and delivery speed should enrol in a Google Cloud Training in Hyderabad. They understand how to build software development pipelines, set up and manage facilities, and deal with and learn from incidents using Google Cloud Platform.

Who Can Enroll: 

Google Cloud Platform GCP Training In Hyderabad is open to everyone at our Version IT. This course is especially for job seekers and working professionals who want to secure a career in this advanced cloud computing platform.

The Other target Audience are 
  • Cloud Computing Professionals
  • Networking Administrators
  • Database Administrators
  • Business Administrators
  • Technology Enthusiasts
  • End Users
  • Degree Holders & Job Seekers
Career Opportunities With GCP  

DevOps technology is a lucrative job with numerous benefits. The entire Cloud Engineer – Associate training will assist you in determining what steps you need to take to become a Google DevOps Engineer.</;p>

If you’ve previously worked in emerging technologies as a system analyst, systems administrator, network management architect, software developer, or project manager, you’ll have a diverse range of perspectives and skills that will serve you successfully with a GCP Cloud Engineer – Associate. If you graduated with a degree in computer science or another STEM field, you already have some of the core skills you’ll need.

The GCP Cloud Engineer – Associate position entails a wide range of authority and responsibility, which is now almost universally required in the IT industry. As a result, enrolling in Version IT For GCP – Google cloud training institutes in Hyderabad will enable you to advance in your career.

Most of the top MNC’s hire skilled cloud engineers to handle their day-to-day operational operations, so join Version IT. The GCP Devops training institute in Hyderabad is recognised as one of the best places to learn Google Cloud Platform

Topics You will Learn

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Infrastructure
    Using GCP
  • Lab: Console and Cloud Shell
  • Demo: Projects
  • Lab: Infrastructure Preview
  • Compute Engine
  • Lab: Creating Virtual Machines
  • Compute options (vCPU and Memory)
  • Images
  • Common Compute Engine actions
  • Lab: Working with Virtual Machines
  • Autoscaling, Policies, Configuration
  • Lab: Autoscaling
  • Managed Instance Groups
  • HTTPS load balancing
  • Cross-region and content-based load balancing
  • SSL proxy/TCP proxy load balancing
  • Network load balancing
  • Lab: VM Automation and Load Balancing
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC),
  • Projects, Networks
  • Subnetworks
  • IP addresses
  • Routes
  • Firewall rules
  • Subnetworks for resource management instead of physical network topology
  • Lab: Virtual Networking
  • Lab: Bastion Host
  • Cloud Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Lab: Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
  • Cloud Router, Cloud Interconnect, External Peering, Cloud DNS
  • Organizations
  • Roles
  • Members
  • Service Accounts
  • Cloud IAM best practices
  • Lab: Cloud IAM
  • Cloud Storage
  • Lab: Cloud Storage
  • Cloud SQL
  • Lab: Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Spanner, Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Bigtable
  • Stackdriver
  • Monitoring
  • Lab: Resource Monitoring (Stackdriver)
  • Logging
  • Error Reporting
  • Tracing, Debugging
  • Lab: Error Reporting and Debugging (Stackdriver)
  • Infrastructure automation
  • Images
  • Metadata
  • Scripts
  • Google Cloud API
  • Lab: Google Cloud Platform API Infrastructure Automation
  • Deployment Manager
  • Configuration
  • Cloud Launcher
  • Lab: Deployment Manager

Let Your Certificates Speak


All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

DevOps serves as a bridge between the development and operations teams. DevOps accelerates the software development cycle above traditional approaches when supported by the Google Cloud Platform.

This method also allows for IT modernization and automation in terms of infrastructure provisioning, constructing, executing test cases, generating reports with email alerts, and so on. DevOps and Google Cloud are excellent beginning points for providing organizations with speed and agility.

DevSecOps accelerates and secures software development and deployment. GCP incorporates DevSecOps capabilities and tools to integrate security into DevOps operations.

This functionality may be used by enterprises to audit existing IT infrastructures, automate security tools operating in pipelines, and improve communication and cooperation between development, operations, and security teams.

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