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Django Training in

Do you want to become a skilled web developer? You don’t need to search any further!
Version IT provides comprehensive and industry-driven Django training in Hyderabad, preparing you to thrive in the dynamic world of web development.

31 Modules

with Certifications


After Completion



Django Training in Hyderabad: Uncovering the Web Development Power

Django is a high-level Python web framework that serves as the foundation for many successful web applications and websites. Our Django training in Hyderabad is meticulously designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of web development, ensuring you understand the complexities of creating robust and scalable applications.

Course Characteristics

Our Django course in Hyderabad is designed by seasoned professionals with real-world experience. Here’s a taste of what to expect:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Dive deep into Django fundamentals, including topics like models, templates, and views. Gain practical experience by working on projects that simulate real-world scenarios.
  2. Industry-Related Projects: Put your knowledge to use by working on projects that reflect the challenges that professionals in the field face. This hands-on approach ensures that you are job-ready upon completion of the course.
  3. Expert Advice: Get personalized advice from industry experts who share their insights and experiences to help you navigate the complexities of Django development.

Engage in interactive sessions, discussions, and collaborative projects to create a dynamic learning environment that will improve your understanding and retention of Django concepts.

Outcomes That Advance Your Career

After finishing our Django course in Hyderabad, you’ll be able to:

  1. Django mastery: Gain a thorough understanding of Django’s architecture, allowing you to confidently build secure and scalable web applications.
  2. Problem-Solving Skills: Work on real-world projects to improve your ability to troubleshoot and innovate in a professional setting.
  3. Certification: Acquire a certification from Version IT, a renowned Django training institute in Hyderabad, to validate your expertise and set yourself apart in the competitive job market.

Topics You will Learn

  • What is WEB?
  • Features of WEB?
  • Introduction to HTML & HTML5
  • Introduction to CSS &CSS3
  • Introduction to JAVASCRIPT
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Creating Basic Web Pages
  • Introduction to SCRIPTS
  • What is a Framework
  • Introduction to Django
  • Django – Design Philosophies
  • History of Django
  • Django Features
  • Environment setup
  • Web Server
  • Creating the first Project
  • Integrating the Project to PYCHARM & Other IDEs
  • The Project Structure
  • Running the in the server
  • Setting Up Your Project
  • Create and configure Django apps
  • Django App Structure
  • Configuring App in Project
  • What is URL?
  • Define URL patterns
  • What is View
  • Configure URLs
  • Developing different views
  • Django URL Mapping
  • Configuring URLconf’s
  • Django URL Functions
  • Path()
  • Re_path()
  • URL Patterns App Level and Project Level
  • Include()
  • Define Django Template
  • Django MVT Pattern
  • Django Template Configuration
  • render() function
  • Django Template Language
  • Template Tags or Template Variables
  • String interpolation
  • What is a context?
  • Define Context Processor?
  • include Static Files inside Template
  • Configuring static files
  • Creating Project with static resources
  • HTML, CSS, Images
  • Define Database?
  • Define DBMS, RDBMS?
  • What is Model?
  • Database Configuration
  • How to Check Django Database Connection
  • Configuration of MySQL Database
  • SQLite
  • Defining Django Models
  • Django Model Fields
  • Field Options
  • What is a Migration?
  • migrate Command
  • Creation of Super User
  • Register Model Inside Admin Interface
  • Difference between makemigrations and migrate
  • Define QuerySet
  • The Python Template Engine
  • Define Jinja2
  • Faker Module
  • What is ORM?
  • One-To-One Relationships
  • Many-To-One Relationships
  • Many-To-Many Relationships
  • What is Model Form?
  • Advantages of Django Forms
  • Creating Django Forms
  • CSRF
  • Creating a Login form
  • Creating Registration Form
  • What is Validation?
  • is_valid()
  • Clean Methods
  • Creating Project
  • What is HTTP?
  • Basic Features
  • http request methods
  • HTTP – URL Encoding
  • Validators
  • Custom Validators
  • Validation of Total Form using Clean Method
  • Validators
  • RegexValidator
  • Validating EmailID
  • What is BOT?
  • How to prevent Requests from BOT
  • How to develop MBF
  • __all__
  • Exclude-List
  • Include-Tuple
  • Creating SuperUser
  • Template Inheritance
  • Template Filters
  • Template tags for relative URLs
  • Block-endblock
  • extends
  • Advantages of Template Inheritance
  • Why Template Filters?
  • What is Template Filter?
  • How to Create Customized Template Filters?
  • Cookies
  • What is Cookie?
  • Why Cookie?
  • Types of Cookies
  • Advantages, Limitations
  • set_test_cookie():
  • test_cookie_worked()
  • delete_test_cookie()
  • set_cookie()
  • get()
  • Django Session Framework
  • request.session[‘key’]
  • request.session.get_expiry_date()
  • Define Authentication
  • Define Authorization
  • Auth System
  • Enabling authentication
  • Auth system Consists
  • Bcrypt & argon2
  • Real time example on AA
  • Working with Admin
  • Function Based Views
  • Class based Views
  • Generic Class-Based Views
  • Simple Generic Views
  • Template View
  • List Views
  • What is upload
  • Creating media_root & url
  • How to upload files
  • Upload images
  • Upload Audio Files
  • Upload Video Files
  • What is CRUD?
  • READ
  • CRUD with Project
  • Define Middleware
  • Builtin Middleware
  • Customizing Middleware
  • Middleware Methods
  • What is mail system
  • Mail Requirements
  • send_mail()
  • Configuring Mail Settings
  • Sending Email
  • Other Email Functions
  • What is CSV?
  • CSV Using Models
  • Creating a Live CSV Project
  • What is PDF?
  • Creating a Live PDF Project
  • What is Crisply Form?
  • Installing Crispy form
  • Template Packs
  • Login Crispy form
  • Registration Crispy forms
  • Crispy with Bootstrap
  • What is git?
  • Define Version Control System
  • Git Installation
  • Git commands
  • Define Github
  • Pulling and Pushing
  • Live Environment
  • What is Bitbucket?
  • Web based Version Control System
  • Commits
  • Branches
  • Pull requests
  • Pipelines
  • What is deployment?
  • Creating a Project
  • Deploying Django App at product level
  • Install heroku CLI
  • Virtual Environment
  • Introduction to HEROKU
  • Deploy at HEROKU
  • $pip freeze
  • What is Web Service?
  • Types of Web Services
  • SOAP based Web Services?
  • Features and Limitations?
  • What is XML?
  • Structure of XML
  • Comments, Attributes & Elements
  • What is DTD?
  • What is Schema?
  • What is REST?
  • What is API?
  • What is JSON?
  • HTTP Status Codes?
  • HTTP Methods for RESTful Services
  • POST
  • PUT
  • GET
  •  Web Project Implementation
  • Resume Preparation
  • Interview Questions

Let Your Certificates Speak


All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

Django is a high-level web framework written in Python that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, emphasizing reusability, pluggability, and the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle.

Django simplifies the development of web applications by providing a robust set of tools and conventions. It includes an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system, an admin interface, URL routing, form handling, and more. Django's "batteries-included" philosophy means many common tasks are handled out of the box.


Django comes with its own templating engine for rendering dynamic content in HTML. It uses a syntax similar to Python and allows developers to embed Python-like code within HTML templates to create dynamic web pages.
The Django ORM is a powerful tool for interacting with databases using Python code. It allows developers to define database models as Python classes, and Django takes care of mapping these models to database tables, handling migrations, and providing a high-level API for database queries.

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