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Mongo DB Training in

A modern technology stack for developing websites includes MongoDB Training in Hyderabad at its core. The abbreviation for Express.js, Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB is MEAN.. A NoSQL database, namely MongoDB, easily incorporates into this stack offering a robust, expandable and JSON-esque document architecture.

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One will, therefore, realize that choosing a MongoDB Course in a Version IT Training Institute is rewarding. Specialized lecturers assist students in understanding the specific details of version control software such as Git, which improves coding cooperation. A complete skill set made of practical examples and practical training effortlessly combines version control practice with professional software development.

What Do You Learn From This Course?

You will get an outline of this Java Framework. The first is how the database is created in the world of MongoDB. This is followed by building and storing documents in collections. Get trained on how to drop databases and collections and explore the complex field of crud operations. Learn how to include Javascript files and arrays for documents and advance your reading skills as well as querying. Know the power of these operators as $lt$ and $gt$ in reading a document, as well as revealing mysteries of updation and deletions.

Discover the world of indexes and ObjectIds; examining how they are made, affected, and located. Explore what are the good things and bad things about MongoDB’s ObjectId feature. Try aggregate(), distinct(), or count() queries.  Dive into the finer details of arranging documents and adhere to a few basics related to data modeling by referring and embedded documents. Last but not least, unfold the relationship complications of Mongo, being a simple, One-To-One Relationship, One-To-Many Relationship, Many-To-Many Relationship connections.

Finally, Mongodb covers all aspects of development using server-side Javascript.  This intensive course builds a strong base to succeed in today’s fast-moving world. Through this process, participants learn essential skills to facilitate building robust, highly functioning apps.

Topics You will Learn

  • Execution of a JavaScript file in MongoDB
  • Making the output of find readable in shell
  • Complementary Terms
  • Installation
  • Basic commands on mongo shell
  • Hello World
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Read
  • Update of embedded documents
  • More update operators
  • “multi” Parameter while updating multiple documents
  • List all collections in the database
  • List all databases
  • Find()
  • FindOne()
  • limit, skip, sort and count the results of the find() method
  • Query Document – Using AND, OR and IN Conditions
  • find() method with Projection
  • Find() method with Projection
  • $set operator to update specified field(s) in document(s)
  • Insert a document
  • Create a Collection
  • Drop Collection
  • Count
  • Sum
  • Average
  • Operations with arrays
  • Aggregate query examples useful for work and learning
  • Match
  • Get sample data
  • Remove docs that have a duplicate field in a collection (dedupe)
  • Left Outer Join with aggregation ( $Lookup)
  • Server Aggregation
  • Aggregation in a Server Method
  • Java and Spring example
  • Index Creation Basics
  • Dropping/Deleting an Index
  • Sparse indexes and Partial indexes
  • Get Indices of a Collection
  • Compound
  • Unique Index
  • Single field
  • Delete
  • List
  • Converting a field to another type and updating the entire collection in Bulk
  • Create a 2dsphere Index

Pluggable Storage Engines

  • WiredTiger
  • MMAP
  • In-memory
  • mongo-rocks
  • Fusion-io
  • TokuMX
  • WiredTiger
  • MMAP
  • In-memory
  • mongo-rocks
  • Fusion-io
  • TokuMX
  • Fetch Collection data with condition
  • Create a database user
  • Create a tailable cursor
  • Connect to MongoDB using pymongo
  • PyMongo queries
  • Update all documents in a collection using PyMongo
  • Sharding Environment Setup
  • Basic configuration with three nodes
  • MongoDB as a Replica Set
  • Check MongoDB Replica Set states
  • How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS/SSL?
  • How to connect your Client (Mongo Shell) to a ReplicaSet?
  • Authentication Mechanisms
  • Built-in Roles
  • Starting mongo with a specific config file
  • Basic mongodump of local default mongod instance
  • Basic mongorestore of local default mongod dump
  • mongoimport with JSON
  • mongoimport with CSV
  • Upgrading to 3.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 using apt

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All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

MongoDB indexing speeds up the database's search and retrieval of data, improving query performance. Understand how to create and use indexes correctly.

A Node.js and MongoDB ODM (Object Data Modelling) library is called Mongoose. Simplified MongoDB interfaces and a schema-based application data modelling methodology are provided.

Look at the ways that the front-end framework Angular works with the back-end Node.js and Express.js to perform CRUD operations on MongoDB.
Acknowledge the benefits of using MongoDB in a MEAN stack, such as its scalability and adaptability, as well as any potential cons, such as the fact that it might not support ACID transactions in all circumstances.

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