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Search Engine Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Search Engine marketing which is otherwise termed as PPC (Pay per Click) or Ad words is the smart tool to leverage the business opportunities in the market for varied categories.

9 Modules

with Certifications


After Completion



The role of SEM in digital advertising is immense and keeping that in mind Version IT designed an outstanding Ad words training curriculum to suit the delegate requirements. With this course, you can excel in your career as an SEM consultant.

This training is mainly focused on Google and we also provide Non- Google SEM for other search engines to enable and equip the learners with skills required to grab the maximum potential of the online market. We also differentiate the way you handle it for the business websites, E-commerce portals and other websites.

At Version IT, we basically start from the scratch starting with the Account set up, creating target keywords, designing campaigns, allocating budgets, contextual and placement targeting. You will be able to track the Ad performance, optimize Ads and Analytics, track the Ad performance for your keywords, landing pages and many more. Elements of quality score and CTR and the basic difference between image Ads and search Ads are handled and will provide an efficient knowledge to how to go about the situation. Become an Ad word Consultant with an efficient training program at Version IT.

Topics You will Learn

  • What is Search Engine Marketing
  • Difference between SEM & SEO
  • Platforms of SEM
  • Why SEM Is Important for Running a Business
  • Push v/s Pull Marketing
  • Role Of User Intent in Paid Marketing
  • Analyzing Search Terms – Keyword research and analysis
  • Ad Preview & Diagnosis
  • Negative Keywords
  • Demographics Adjustment
  • Extensions
  • Adjusting Locations
  • Advanced Bidding Adjustments
  • Live Exercise: Adjusting
  • Creating, Optimizing and Configuring Google Ads Account
  • Understanding different terminologies and Google Ads algorithm
  • Creating & optimizing search ads
  • Ad writing techniques to get maximum return
  • Understanding & creating display ads
  • How Ad auction works
  • Learn how to create an effective remarketing campaign
  • Create, target, test and monitor a display advertising campaign
  • Shopping ads with Google merchant center
  • Testing and optimizing your campaign using conversion tracker
  • Creation of Smart Display Campaign
  • Creation of Standard Display Campaign
  • Creation of Gmail Campaign
  • Location targeting
  • Budget Setup
  • Bidding for Display Campaigns
  • Audience Targeting demographic, in-market, affinity, remarketing
  • Creation of In-stream Skippable Ads
  • Creation of Video Discovery Ads
  • Creation of non-skippable instream Ads
  • Creation of Bumper Ads
  • Creation of Out stream Ads
  • Conversion Tracking Code Setup
  • Audience Creation
  • Remarketing List Setup
  • Custom URL Parameters
  • Policy Manager & Billing Settings
  • Campaign Setup Basics
  • Location Targeting
  • WorkiAd Groups and Its importance In a Campaign
  • Extensions
  • Match Types
  • Bidding and optimization Strategies
  • Best Practices of Writing Ads
  • Effect Of Relevant Keywords on CPC.
  • Dynamic Keyword Insertion
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Topic Targeting
  • Placement Targeting
  • Creation of responsive Ad Copy
  • Use of CTA Buttons
  • Use of custom Colors
  • Optimizing Landing Page
  • Location targeting
  • Budget Setup
  • Bidding for Display Campaigns
  • Audience Targeting [demographic, in-market, affinity]
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Topic Targeting
  • Placement Targeting

Let Your Certificates Speak


All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

For companies to swiftly appear in search engine results and attract relevant visitors to their websites, search engine marketing (SEM) is essential. It offers a means of connecting with prospective clients who are actively looking for pertinent goods or services.

Researching keywords, creating ads, managing campaigns, bidding techniques, and performance analysis are all commonly covered in SEM courses.

Search engine advertising systems like Google Ads and Bing Ads may be covered in courses. Social media advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Twitter Ads may also be covered in certain courses.

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