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ASP.NET Training in

The ASP.NET framework of Microsoft is an excellent base for developing robust, scalable as well as highly efficient web applications of the present day. The technology has been applied for building dynamic sites, apps, as well as services. The ASP.Net training in Hyderabad is meant to give learners everything they need to use it effectively.

19 Modules

with Certifications


After Completion



Course Features:

Hyderabad has an experiential learning course in ASP.Net for developing professionals. It focuses on basic ASP.net concepts, MVC-based architectures and so forth. Individuals engage in hands-on projects in order to cultivate credible portfolios. Obtaining Version IT certification confirms skills and increases employability helping to get well-paid positions in reliable companies after graduation.

Best training on ASP.Net training in Hyderabad?

Version IT is considered one of the best ASP.Net training institutes in Hyderabad. It provides an inviting atmosphere, current facilities, and the knowledge that students need for success in the IT sector. Sign up for our ASP.Net program in Hyderabad and prepare to experience greatness as a web developer

Topics You will Learn

  • Introduction to web technologies
  • Web Forms Architecture
  • ASP.Net and HTTP
  • Web application developing using Visual Studio
  • State Management and Web Applications
  • ASP.Net Server-side controls
  • Caching in ASP.Net
  • ASP.Net application configuration
  • Debugging, Diagnostics of application
  • Connectivity with Database using ADO.Net/Entity Framework
  • Data Access Controls
  • Personalization and Security
  • Introduction to Web Services
  • Introduction to WCF
  • Types of Applications – Web, Desktop & Mobile  Applications
  • Web  applications  with  Web  Server
  • Web Server role, about IIS, APACHE, and CASSINI
  • Web  Browsers,  Web  Support  Languages
  • Understanding http, TCP/IP, LAN, WAN & O/S role in web development
  • Why Scripting & its importance
  • Client-Side  &  Server-Side  Scripting
  • Intro to .NET
  • Drawbacks  of  Current  Trend
  • .NET  Framework
  • Key Design Goals
  • CLR, CTS, MSIL, & Other Tools
  • Multiple  Language  Interaction  &  Support
  • Moving from Project to Assemblies…
  • Security Services   and   environment
  • Vista & IIS 6.0/7.0 & their requirements
  • Installing  &  Configuring  VS.NET/.NET  2.0/3.0/3.5
  • AJAX(ATLAS)  importance  in  Web  applications
  • The need for AJAX & the Solution
  • Shifting from ASP to ASP.Net, Asp.net to web 2.0 (new)
  • ASP.Net as Framework, Namespaces
  • ASP.Net – New Scenario in development process with IDE – VS.NET
  • Web Pages to Web Forms, HTML – ASP.NET, State management- an Important Objective
  • Understanding the ASP.NET Execution Scenario
  • C#.Net role in ASP.NET Development
  • ASP.NET/C#.Net – the Industry approach
  • HTML, HTML Controls, ASP.NET Controls
  • Client-side & Server-side Controls
  • Consuming HTML Client/Server Controls in WebForms
  • Consuming ASP.Net Controls in WebForms
  • Understanding the Rendering Nature of Controls Developing a Simple Startup Application
  • Introducing Web Forms, Worker process
  • Working  with  Server  Controls
  • Applying Styles to Controls, Themes, Skins etc.
  • Page Directives  and its use
  • Separating  Code  &  Design
  • New  Code  behind  Techniques
  • Implementing  ASP.NET  Server  Controls
  • Types of ASP.NET & their need/render
  • Intrinsic – Validation – Bound – DataSource
  • Navigation – Login – Web Parts & AJAX.-as building blocks Asp.net.
  • Validating Form with Validation Controls of Asp.net
  • Using Required Field validator control
  • Using Compare Validator Control Using Range Validator Control
  • Using  Custom Validator  control
  • Create Server-side / Client-side functions for – Custom Validator Control
  • Group Validations & avoiding Validations.
  • Finally – Client Targets & Validation Summary control
  • XML, XML to HTML, XML & Databases
  • XML Schema Definition Tool
  • Overview of ADO.NET/ XML Support in .NET
  • Connect/Insert/Update/Delete,Query data -using ADO.NET
  • Retrieve data with datasets
  • Data Adapters, Understanding Data tables
  • Build Data table programmatically
  • Filter and sort Data table, Data Relations
  • Parameters  with  Command  Object
  • Stored  Procedures  with  ADO.NET  using  –output  parameters
  • Develop  a  Registration  form  using  ADO
  • ASP.Net  bound  controls
  • DataSource  Controls
  • Repeater & its uses.
  • DataBound  and  DataAware  Controls
  • Bind  data  to  Dropdownlist  Control
  • Datalist  control
  • DataGrid(1.1/2.0)  Control
  • GridView  &  its  importance  in  Development
  • GridView(Basic)  –  simple  uses
  • GridView  (Advanced)  –Runtime  Fields,  Empty  DataRows,  NTier  …
  • FormView  &  DetailsView
  • ListView
  • Introduction to Microsoft  AJAX.(Code  name  ATLAS)
  • XML Http object
  • Programming  with  XML  HTTP  Object
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX.
  • Features of AJAX.
  • MS Implementation of AJAX
  • Error Handling & .NET Runtime
  • Avoid Errors before they occur
  • Structured Error Handling
  • Catching  General  Exceptions
  • Catching Specific Exceptions
  • Throwing  Exceptions
  • Custom  Exceptions
  • Page  Level  Error  Handling
  • Application  Level  Error  Handling
  • Creating  User  Controls
  • Adding member to user controls.
  • Registering User Controls
  • Properties  &  Methods
  • Dynamically  loading  user  controls
  • Master Pages
  • Web Application configuration-Advantages.
  • New Configuration Model, ASP.NET Confn Tool
  • Web Application Machine Configuration
  • Global Assembly Cache, Strong Names VS2005.
  • Working with Assembly Info
  • Web.Config,  Machine.Config
  • Process Model –System Configuration.
  • About Session & Application object
  • Comparison between Session & Application
  • Using the Global.asax file
  • Managing  Application  State
  • Http  Handlers
  • Application & Session Variables
  • Application & Session Events
  • Caching  Overview
  • Advantages  of  Caching
  • Comparing with Application & Session var’s
  • Page Output Caching
  • Page  Data  Caching
  • Fragment Caching
  • Security  Overview
  • Authentication  &  Authorization
  • Windows-based  Authentication
  • Passport  Authentication.(WebServices)
  • Forms-based  Authentication
  • Memberships
  • Authorizing  Users  and  Roles
  • User  Account  Impersonation
  • Deploying  ASP.NET  Application
  • Introducing   XML Web Services
  • Differences Between DCOM / Remoting / Web Services
  • Asp.net Webservices.
  • Writing a Simple Web Service
  • Xml web services stack, SOAP,WSDL,UDDI,Sync an
  • Async calls
  • Web Service Type Marshalling
  • Using Data in Web Services
  • Using Objects and Intrinsic
  • HTML  Pattern  Matching
  • WCF
  • New concept in Web Apps.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages.
  • Predefined/ user defined controls with webparts.
  • Gadgets/side bars.
  • Office  2007
  • VS to VS.net tools for office.
  • Gadgets/side bars.
  • Office  2007
  • VS to VS.net tools for office.
  • Mobile  forms
  • Mobile Environment – Today’s Need.
  • Needed  Infrastructure
  • WAP, WML overview.
  • MS Mobile Explorer.
  • Open ware Simulators.
  • Line smart phones   and Pocket PC Applications.
  • What is Smartphone / Pocket Pc?
  • Application for   smartphone / pocket pc
  • Deploying / Run application in devices / Live
  • What is VSTO?
  • Programming developing   managed addings for outlook.
  • Advantages VSTO
  • VSTO 2005 SE
  • Runtime component.
  • MSMQ in ASP.Net
  • Its need in data transferring
  • MSMQ – Its role in heterogeneous networks and systems
  • Crystal  Reports  in  ASP.Net
  • Designing Reports for Web Browsers
  • SharePoint
  • BizTalk

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All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

Microsoft created the web application framework known as ASP.NET. It enables programmers to create dynamic web services and applications using VB.NET and C#, among other programming languages.

Key characteristics of ASP.NET comprise:
Server-side execution: Before being transmitted to the browser, ASP.NET code executes on the server.
State management: ViewState, Sessions, and Cookies are just a few of the methods that ASP.NET offers for maintaining state.
ASP.NET MVC and Web Forms: When creating web applications, developers have the option to use the classic Web Forms or the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm.
Integrated security: Authentication and authorization methods are among the built-in security features of ASP.NET.

The open-source, cross-platform, high-performance variant of ASP.NET is called ASP.NET Core. It is a modular framework that can be used to create web apps, APIs, and more. It is made to run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

ASP.NET Core is a major rewrite of ASP.NET with the following notable distinctions:
Cross-platform: ASP.NET Core is intended to function on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems.
Lightweight and modular: Because ASP.NET Core is modular, developers may add just the parts they require. In addition, it is lighter than the conventional ASP.NET.
Performance: The enhanced performance and scalability of ASP.NET Core are well known.
Dependency injection: Dependency injection is supported natively by ASP.NET Core.

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