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c#.net Training in

C#. NET Training in Hyderabad,  a robust and vеrsatilе framework dеvеlopеd by Microsoft,  combinеs thе powеr of thе C# programming languagе with thе flеxibility of thе. NET platform.  Widеly usеd for building Windows applications,  wеb sеrvicеs,  and еntеrprisе-lеvеl solutions,  C#. NET is rеnownеd for its simplicity,  scalability,  and sеamlеss intеgration with othеr Microsoft tеchnologiеs. 

25 Modules

with Certifications


After Completion



Mastеring C#. NET is not just about learning a languagе; it’s about acquiring a comprеhеnsivе skill sеt for modern softwarе dеvеlopmеnt.  Vеrsion IT facilitatеs this mastеry through a dynamic training program that covеrs not only thе intricaciеs of C#. NET but also provides hands-on еxpеriеncе and practical insights.  Choosing Vеrsion IT means gaining proficiеncy in a technology stack that is in high demand in this industry.  With Vеrsion IT, you are not just learning C#. NET; you еmbarking on a transformativе journey that еquips you with thе еxpеrtisе to еxcеl in divеrsе softwarе dеvеlopmеnt projеcts.  Elеvatе your capabilities with Vеrsion IT and bеcomе a sought-aftеr C#. NET dеvеlopеr,  rеady to tacklе thе challеngеs of thе dynamic IT landscapе.

Objectives of C#.NET

C#. NET,  a powerful framework dеvеlopеd by Microsoft,  is a vеrsatilе tool for building a widе rangе of applications,  from dеsktop to wеb and mobilе.  It combinеs thе C# programming languagе with thе еxtеnsivе capabilities of thе. NET platform,  providing dеvеlopеrs with a robust and еfficiеnt еnvironmеnt for softwarе dеvеlopmеnt.  Undеrstanding C#. NET opеns thе door to crеating scalablе, sеcurе, and fеaturе-rich applications. Vеrsion IT offers a comprеhеnsivе training program that not only covеrs thе corе concеpts of C#. NET but also provides hands-on еxpеriеncе and practical insights.  Choosing Vеrsion IT means gaining proficiеncy in a technology stack that is widely used in the industry.  With Vеrsion IT, you are not just learning C#. NET; you invеsting in a pathway to mastеring a technology that is at thе forеfront of modern softwarе dеvеlopmеnt.  Elеvatе your skills with Vеrsion IT and bеcomе a proficiеnt C#. NET dеvеlopеr,  еquippеd to thrivе in thе еvеr-еvolving landscapе of technology. 

Topics You will Learn

  • Introduction  to  .Net
  • Platform for the  .Net
  • Drawbacks  of  Current  Trend
  • Net Framework – BCL & CLR l Key design goals
  • CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools.
  • Multiple Language Interaction & support l Moving from Project to Assemblies…
  • Security in .NET – CAS
  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Features of .Net
  • Assemblies in Detail
  • GAC,  Strong  Names
  • Language  Interop
  • Reflection
  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Why C#/ Why Not C#
  • Where does C# Fit in
  • C, C++ to Visual C#
  • Features  of  C#
  • .NET  Namespaces
  • .NET Versions – 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5 Beta
  • Visual  Studio.NET  2003/2005/Orcas/2008
  • Windows Vista – New Look
  • Gadgets/SideBars/UAC  –  relation  with  .NET
  • Hardware/Software  Requirements
  • FAQ’s with detailed answers
  • The start of the application
  • C#.Net  Program  Design
  • Variables  and  types
  • Value types and reference types (CTS)
  • Strings and arrays
  • The Console class
  • String  formatting
  • Statements  and  flows
  • Programming  Structures
  • Command-line  arguments
  • VS.NET to Create C#.NET Apps
  • C# 3.0/3.5 features – Implicit types , Extention Methods and more
  • Windows forms library – WinForms
  • Layout Enhancements
  • Forms and controls – Hierarchy
  • Creating simple GUI by hand
  • Event handling
  • Basic controls
  • Windows forms – buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, panels, group boxes, list boxes, picture boxes…
  • Menus
  • Built-in  dialog  boxes  and  printing
  • Extender  Controls
  • ToolStrips, StatusStrips and progress bars
  • A new MDI forms strategy
  • Inheritance  with  forms
  • New Controls – Web Browser, Property Grid etc
  • Classes & objects
  • Abstract & override methods
  • Creating and using your own classes l Data members and member methods l Instantiate an object
  • This  keyword
  • Properties –  Read Only Write Only…
  • Build process using windows class library l Generate classes for other clients
  • How to use classes as part of project
  • Accessibility levels, specifiers
  • Constructors
  • Method  overloading
  • Class (static) variables & methods
  • Object  destruction
  • ‘ref’ and ‘out’ parameters
  • Constant  values
  • Enumerations
  • Inheritance  and  Polymorphism
  • The root of all classes
  • Creating  derived  classes
  • Method  overriding  and  hiding
  • Polymorphism  and  virtual  functions
  • Casting  objects
  • Abstract classes
  • Sealed  classes
  • Static classes
  • Case  Studies
  • Class Diagram in VS.Net
  • Refactoring  &  others
  • Unstructured  error  handling  support
  • Structured  error  handling
  • Error  categories
  • Debugging  the  application
  • Debug and Trace  classes
  • Code  Optimization
  • Testing  and  strategies
  • History  and  background
  • From DAO to ADO.NET
  • ADO.NET  design  goals
  • The ADO.NET architecture and its components
  • ADO.NET in relation to the other .NET tools
  • DataSet  in  RealTime  Scenarious
  • Connected  and  disconnected  environment
  • ADO.NET  object  model
  • Data  sources,  providers  and  connections
  • Commands  and  data  readers
  • Data  sets  and  data  adaptors
  • Data  tables,  rows  and columns
  • Constraints  and  relations
  • Data-centric  applications  –  New  ADO.Net  Hierarchy
  • Connecting  to  a  data  source
  • SQL Server .NET data provider
  • OLE-DB  .NET  data  provider
  • Connections  and  connection  strings
  • SQL-Server  integrated  security
  • Connection  pooling
  • ADO.NET  exceptions
  • Commands
  • Creating  and  executing  commands
  • Reading  data  using  a  data  reader
  • Batch queries & single result queries
  • Parameterised  queries  (input  &  output  parameters)
  • Adding,  editing  and  deleting  data
  • Why using a disconnected environment?
  • DataSet  and  DataAdapter features
  • Filling data  sets using  data adapters
  • Read data using data tables, rows and columns
  • Batch queries and data sets
  • Visual Studio Data Menu & tools
  • DataSet  Navigation
  • DataSet  Functionality
  • DataSet  Optimistic  Concurrency
  • Searching in data sets
  • Find on primary keys
  • Searching on any column
  • Searching on row state
  • Wildcard  searches
  • Sorting  and  filtering  using  data  views
  • Searching in a data view
  • Client Server Basics
  • N-Tier – Classical and New
  • N-Tier importance w.r.t other .Net technologies
  • Build User Interface Layer – importance
  • Business Layer in N-Tier – advantages & disadvantages
  • Data Access Layer – Generic/Specific Advantages
  • N-Tier  DataBase  Application
  • SQLHelper,  CodeSmith  etc  tools  awareness
  • XML Basics – Importance in Todays world
  • XML designers/support in VS.NET
  • XML Derived Technologies – XSD , XSL,SOAP, WSDL
  • System.Xml  Namespace
  • Stream  Model  XML
  • XmlTextReader,TextWriter
  • XmlTextReader, TextWriter XMLDocument/ XmlDataDocumentClasses
  • Dom  Objects  –  XMLNode/XMLNodeList
  • XPATH- Query Language for XML
  • DOM – Navigation & Access Case Studies
  • About  user  –  defined  controls
  • Understanding  the  control  class  with  Container
  • Add  Properties/Methods/Events  to  Control
  • Pack & use control in other windows applications
  • Create  &  implement  a  windows  control
  • Understanding  services
  • Creating  windows  services
  • Setting  properties
  • Compile, run & install services
  • Event log services
  • About  Distributed  Applications
  • COM/DCOM  in  Distributed  Environment
  • Drawbacks of DCOM
  • .NET  Remoting  –  New  distributed  environment
  • Advantages  &  Disadvantages
  • Remoting  –  Web  Services  comparisons
  • MBR, MBV
  • Channels
  • Formatters
  • Programming Model – Object Styles & Lifestyles
  • Activation
  • Case  Study  –  Implementation  using  Remoting
  • Reporting  Need  in  the  application
  • Crystal  Reports  –  Reporting  Tool
  • Different Versions of Crystal Reports
  • Developing  a  Crystal  Report
  • Different ways to Invoke/Deploy Crystal Reports
  • Packaging  Code
  • ClickOnce  Deployment
  • Configuring  the  .Net  framework
  • Deploying  the  application  in  Web  Server
  • Deployment  –  other  methods

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All You Need to Start this Course


Still Having Doubts?

What is the use case for C#? A vast array of software and apps, including as games, desktop and mobile apps, corporate software, websites, and cloud-based apps, may be made with C#. Other general-purpose programming languages are comparable to this. Numerous games in plenty.

For C#, there are typically three skill levels that are distinguished: beginner, moderate, and advanced. A few general markers of each stage are as follows: Novice: possess rudimentary syntax and structural understanding of C#

The NET Common Language Specification (CLS) defines the five distinct C# types used by.NET programming languages. Delegate, enumeration, class, structure, and interface are among them.

Code compilation is necessary for any changes you make in C#. This might lead to errors and issues.
Using NET libraries can make learning C# even more difficult.
Since C# is a part of the.NET framework, it needs to be executed on the Windows platform.

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